medical marijuana

Does Marijuana Help Treat Glaucoma or Other Eye Conditions?

There’s been a debate between people and professional medical staff regarding the use of marijuana in different medical conditions and whether having medical marijuana card Iowa is useful for the patients or not.

The whole concept of using medical marijuana for treating problems requires tons of knowledge and research and that’s why people always fight whether marijuana is safe for them to consume or gives harmful side effects.

Well, if you are looking for information related to glaucoma and whether marijuana is a cure for them, then you are on the right track. Let’s find out about the use of medical marijuana on glaucoma patients and let’s know about glaucoma in detail.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye condition in which the optic nerve of the patient gets damaged which leads to losing the peripheral sight and then lead to total blindness if not treated properly. This disease affects more than 3 million people in the US and is caused by higher eye pressure than normal which is known as Intraocular Pressure or IOP.


There are different medicines used to treat the problem and if the problem is intense then the doctor suggests going for eye surgery. However, in 1970, there’s been a study done which states that with the help of marijuana, patients can reduce the effects of Glaucoma.

Now, let’s see whether the study done on marijuana and Glaucoma is correct or not.

Can Marijuana Help Treat Glaucoma?

After the research, the National Eye Institute gives a prompt result in which it stated that with the help of marijuana or the people who smoke weed or cannabis have an advantage on the IOP or glaucoma because of the THC present in them.

The patients can buy marijuana with an MMJ card Iowa or any other state in which they are residing and takes the medical marijuana to treat the problem. However, it is also observed that marijuana is in effect for a shorter period only which includes 3-4 hours.

Also, with the help of marijuana, the patients can deal with intense eye pain and reduces the feeling of nausea and vomiting which happens after taking heavy medicines including different medical drugs.

Is getting an MMJ card an easy task?

Many organizations deal in medical marijuana cards and provide proper medication which contains marijuana and other natural plant extracts like cannabis or hemp. To get an mmj card you need to visit the official website of the country in which you are living.

For example, if you are living in Emmetsburg, then you have to take an appointment with the medical marijuana doctors Emmetsburg and then they will examine you first. After that, they will issue an MMJ card which helps you to take marijuana legally in the state from authorized dispensaries and chemists.

Why Marijuana is a good choice for Glaucoma?

We have seen the effects of marijuana on patients with Glaucoma and IOP and it is clear that choosing marijuana for treating these problems is a good choice. One of the benefit is that it is a natural medicine and the chances of side effect is near to zero.

There are other benefits of using marijuana for treating Glaucoma and other eye problems:

Reducing the IOP

One of the major benefits of using marijuana for treating Glaucoma is reducing high Intraocular Pressure. It is observed that smoking marijuana helps lower the IOP for 3-4 hours which gives a sense of relief to the patients.

Controlling the Unbearable pain in the eye

Many patients have to suffer from intense pain in their eyes in the Glaucoma condition which is due to extensive pressure on the eyes. With the help of marijuana, the patients can feel better as marijuana has CBD i.e., cannabinoids which help the endocannabinoid receptors to lower the pain sensation or any ache in the body.

Inflammation in Eyes

Another benefit of using marijuana for eye problems is that it helps in treating inflammation symptoms and protects the patients from unbearable pain.


With the above information and research, one thing is clear marijuana is helpful for glaucoma patients which are accepted by many researchers and doctors. Also, there are many benefits of using marijuana for eye problems which we have seen in the above sections.

However, some more studies are going on to know the exact impact of marijuana on human bodies, so until then it is better to stay safe and take the marijuana prescribed by medical marijuana doctors.

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