Is Medical Marijuana a Blood Thinner

Is Medical Marijuana a Blood Thinner? Let’s find out

Many people in the United States and other countries depend on the blood thinner and that’s why they contact medical marijuana doctors Iowa to get the right guidance regarding the use of marijuana as a medicine.

Nowadays, medical marijuana is gaining popularity as many people have shifted from medical drugs to medical marijuana to treat their problems as marijuana has natural healing properties which make the person healthy.

However, do you know that medical marijuana can work as a blood thinner too? Let’s see the properties of medical marijuana that help people to get rid of blood clots and how is it beneficial for patients who are suffering from blood clots.

What is a Blood Thinner?

Most of the people suffered from blood clots or were on the verge of having a blood clot. These blood clots can be the reason for heart attacks or any other heart-related diseases. Therefore, to avoid these clots and to make the blood normal, blood thinning medicines are used which are known as anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs.

These drugs remove the thick clots from the blood and support the smooth flow of blood in the body. In some cases, it is believed that blood clots are good for the body, especially at the time of injury but too much of something can cause problems.

Can Marijuana or Cannabis replace Blood thinners?

According to recent studies and observations, it is believed that marijuana and cannabis have desired properties that help in treating blood clots and could be replaced as blood-thinning medicines.

Marijuana and cannabis have chemicals like THC, CBD, and CBN (Cannabinol) which eliminate more than 70% of the commonly used drugs in the body, and using marijuana instead of those drugs is also beneficial for the body.

Different researchers have different theories as some might think that marijuana and cannabis don’t have enough properties to be replaced as blood thinner chemicals while some researchers are confident about the use of these substances in places of other medical drugs.

What are the medical conditions under which Blood Thinners are used?

Blood thinners are used for rare conditions as when the clots in the body got to increase that it starts stopping the natural flow of the blood. Anticoagulants and antiplatelet medicines use for different medical conditions:

  • Abnormal heart arrhythmias, for example, atrial fibrillation
  • Congenital heart disorders
  • Replacement of the heart valve
  • Ischemic heart diseases
  • Chronic blood vessel diseases

Is it safe to use THC with blood thinners?

As per the research done on different levels and the expertise of different doctors, it is recommended that no patient should take any THC-based products with blood thinners. Both edibles and smoking are equally harmful and can cause changes in heart rate and blood pressure.

However, it is believed that marijuana and cannabis can be used in place of blood thinners but under the guidance of experts who knows the exact amount and how much an individual required.

What are the possible dangers of using blood thinners?

If you are abusing any medicines, then you have to face the consequences and the same goes with blood thinners. Blood thinners help in keeping the blood flow normal and eliminate the heavy clots in the blood so that all the parts work normally.

However, blood thinners can be dangerous at the time of bleeding which is done due to irregular doses which result in irregularities in the blood flow. That’s why, when the patient is instructed about the use of blood clotting medicines whether medical drugs or marijuana-based ones, they are advised to stick with the program.

If they didn’t follow the routine and take the medicine as per their wish, then it can cause them problems in the future, or in some cases, they have to rush back to the hospital.

Is it okay to consult with medical marijuana doctors?

If you are planning to take medical marijuana for your blood clotting situation, then you can consult with an expert like MMJ card Iowa as they will guide you for the uses and give you the necessary details on the marijuana as a blood thinning medicine.

Taking a second opinion is always helpful as it will help in making the picture clearer and give you confidence about the use of the method.


In the end, we can conclude that marijuana and cannabis can be a replacement for blood thinners but the patient should take the expert’s advice and take necessary precautions instead of deciding on their own.

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