Rick Sampson Oil

Important Facts About RSO: Definition, Uses, and Effects

Have you heard of the term RSO? Many people who are daily users of medical marijuana want to know everything about RSO. According to the medical marijuana doctors Iowa, RSO is a good thing for patients that helps them to heal their problems.

However, there is a limited number of people who knows exactly what RSO is and why it is helpful for patients. Therefore, let’s know more about RSO and see how it works in detail.

What is RSO?

RSO or Rick Sampson Oil is an oil that is made from the cannabis plant. We all know that medical marijuana and cannabis have healing properties and that’s why RSO is used as a healing medicine. It is highly potent and dark brown or dark black.

The Rick Sampson Oil is a tribute to a Canadian scientist name Rick Simpson who introduced the whole concept of using the Cannabis plant oil for healing different problems. Many medical marijuana doctors Iowa recommended the RSO to their patients so that they can stay fit and healthy naturally.

Rick used the oil on himself as he was suffering from skin cancer. After applying for a few days, he noticed that the cancer spots start reducing and gradually went for good. Many studies are conducted in which it is claimed that cannabis and other related plants can be used to treat cancer symptoms but more evidence require to get concrete proof.

What are the effects of RSO?

We have seen the history of RSO and how it comes out in the market. Now, let’s find out its effects on the body and the problems that it heals completely.

  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Chronic Inflammation
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Depression
  • Drug Addiction

There are various studies as per medical marijuana doctors Iowa which state that RSO helps in treating cancer patients. It also helps patients suffering from vomiting and nausea from chemotherapy which results in improving appetite and healing the body from chronic pain.

RSO can stop cancer cells along with the growth of tumors. However, the exact result is not out as there’s a need to be more studies conducted and more evidence is required to prove the facts.

How does RSO oil work?

RSO oil is similar to the hash oil and other concentrates of medical marijuana that are available in the market. However, the difference lies in the THC levels as RSO oil has more THC than regular ones which makes it more potent.

In some research, it is stated that highly concentrated cannabinoids and terpenes help in treating problems like cancer. It is because of the soaking cells with cannabinoids which helps in fighting the cancer cells.

How to use RSO oil?

There are many companies in different countries that sell RSO oil under their brand but the Rick Simpson’s website recommends making the oil at home. To get the perfect RSO oil, the person needs to mix highly purified alcohol with cannabis and strain it to remove extra plant material.

After that, heat the solvent to remove the alcohol strains and other contaminants. It produces a thick oil which is known as RSO oil. If you are planning to make RSO oil at home, then note that in some states and countries, it is illegal to make these kinds of oils.

The dose depends on the person’s health as it is recommended to have 60 grams of oil over 90 days at the initial phase. The patients should have 3 doses a day of small drops and then double it after 4-5 days. If you are using the RSO through vaping or smoking then make sure that all the alcohol particles are burnt down.

What are the benefits of RSO?

RSO helps a patient in many ways like treating arthritis, asthma, chronic pains, depression, and many more. However, there are some side effects too that need to be considered when choosing RSO oil over other medications.

  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Disorientation
  • Fatigue
  • Hallucination
  • Low Blood Pressure
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea

These side effects are temporary but according to the studies, if the person uses RSO oil for a long time then there are chances of long-term risks like impaired thinking.


In the end, it is safe to say that RSO oil is a good choice but patients need to take necessary precautions before using it. You can get all the information related to RSO on MMJ Card Iowa and take expert advice from the medical marijuana doctors Iowa.

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